Empfehlung: The blind side

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Beiträge: 10

Empfehlung: The blind side

von Beba94 am 10.08.2010 01:45

Also ich denke einige von euch haben den Film gesehen ^^
Bin gerade dabei das Buch zu lesen und total begeistert, kann es nur weiter empfehlen, allerdings gibt es es nur auf englisch.
Mein eigenes Englisch ist nicht sehr gut, also würde ich mich davon nicht abschrecken lassen :) bei Amazon kann man die ersten Seiten auch schon durchlesen.
Und wenn man den Film danach anschaut ist er um einiges interessanter :D

-Das Buch-

As he did so memorably for baseball in Moneyball, Lewis takes a statistical X-ray of the hidden substructure of football, outlining the invisible doings of unsung players that determine the outcome more than the showy exploits of point scorers. In his sketch of the gridiron arms race, first came the modern, meticulously choreographed passing offense, then the ferocious defensive pass rusher whose bone-crunching quarterback sacks demolished the best-laid passing game, and finally the rise of the left tackle the offensive lineman tasked with protecting the quarterback from the pass rusher whose presence is felt only through the game-deciding absence of said sacks. A rare creature combining 300 pounds of bulk with "the body control of a ballerina," the anonymous left tackle, Lewis notes, is now often a team's highest-paid player. Lewis fleshes this out with the colorful saga of left tackle prodigy Michael Oher. An intermittently homeless Memphis ghetto kid taken in by a rich white family and a Christian high school, Oher's preternatural size and agility soon has every college coach in the country courting him obsequiously. Combining a tour de force of sports analysis with a piquant ethnography of the South's pigskin mania, Lewis probes the fascinating question of whether football is a matter of brute force or subtle intellect.




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